Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 1: Not too bad...FF

Weight:  223 pounds.  Sounds better than 250, doesn't it?  Ok, take into consideration that I am at least 7 inches shorter than my BFF - so it does not sound so great any longer. 

The competitive spirit in me is awakened by this blog- you show me yours, and I will get out a bigger one and flash it in your face.
Normal diets:  Weight Watchers, Weigh less, mediteranian, fit for life, fabulous for life, fanatic about your weight for life etc.
Scary diets:  Eat as much rice as you want, but only rice; eat only as much as you want brown rice, eat only a cup of brown rice, eat only half a cup of brown rice every day, eat anything but rice.  Rub the beads behind your ears and drink only milk, (that one worked!).

I have always been chubby (ok, i prefer that cute term to describe rolls of fat) and was definitely below average looking.  I was even a fat bride, and soon after my first marriage I lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off till I stopped smoking and had an extremely colicy baby.  Those two elements combined put 60 pounds on my small frame within 3 months.  So I started to smoke again and did not lose a single pound.  Quit for health reasons - aha.... another 20 found me.  Started again to lose the weight.  Did not lose a pound.  Quit again for health reasons - put on another 30.  All in all i have quit smoking at least 5 times (currently in a quitting) - hopefully final and more than 100 pounds have found me. 

Why not exercise?

I cant diet any more.  I used to be able to, but now it is like pulling teeth.  When the word Diet comes up, i start to salivate just thinking about kitchen cabinets (yeah, the wooden part).  Too rebellious to think of that kind of deprivation.

 I have to find a way to lose weight unobtrusively, because if my mind find out that i am dieting, there will be at least 10 pounds coming my way.  So, my whole thing is to diet secretly.  So HUSH.... HERE WE GO.


  1. Such a GOOD point! It is like when I tell myself, "I can't eat that" - then that is ALL I want to eat. Then again, I can't say, "I can eat this, but in moderation." My moderation and my body's moderation are two diametrically opposite realities! Let us quietly sneak up on ourselves and eat right without telling ourselves, OK! Great post!

  2. p.s. - what a naughty chicken and... hushpuppies? Love it!

  3. I can't even count the number of diets I have been on in my are such a lot of fun and I'm your latest follower.I adore people with a sense of humour. Thanks for dropping by my blog by the way and commenting. Love meeting new friends.
